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The northern third or so of the Savage Moors that contains most of the Allanyn and Tharr populations does have a number of established, walled settlements.
The northern third or so of the Savage Moors that contains most of the Allanyn and Tharr populations does have a number of established, walled settlements.
[[file:Savage Moors.PNG|300px]]

Revision as of 09:52, 13 March 2021

The Savage Moors are a large expanse between Vallyrin Wood and Dorresse Forest, in the northeastern Midlands. They reach from the foothills of the World's Crown Mountains south to the Terralosa Mountains and the Granitefall Stream.

The land here is fertile enough to support agriculture, but the ground is rocky and broken, dotted with lakes and swamps. This lends itself to many small, scattered, self-sustaining communities and matches well with tribal cultures like the Allanyn, Tharr, traditional Torrethi, and Oriloth. The primary populations here are primarily the Allayn and Oriloth, with scatterings of Tharr clans among the Allanyn in the north and some Torrethi settlements in the south near Thalia and the slopes of the Terralosa Mountains.


The Savage Moors were so-named by Imperial geographers not because of their physical characteristics or remoteness, but because of the constant conflict to be found there. Tribal cultures are prone to feuds and combativeness anyway, but when you add in the deliberate predations of Oriloth and Tharr raiders with customs of revenge, the result is near-perpetual warfare that sometimes borders on the genocidal. In the worst of these conflicts, entire settlements are massacred or enslaved, emptying the land for the victors' own people to enter and settle it.

Walled Settlements

The northern third or so of the Savage Moors that contains most of the Allanyn and Tharr populations does have a number of established, walled settlements.

Savage Moors.PNG