Forest of Deepshadow

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The Forest of Deepshadow is home to the Aelfen kingdom of the same name. As the name implies, it is a thick, dark wood whose mighty trees long ago grew together to create a high upper canopy, leaving the forest floor in a sort of perpetual twilight. The so-called Deep Aelfen, known in their own tongue as the Kor’lissen Rani, who live there are fearsome and xenophobic. They have long traded atrocities with neighboring Oriloth and Garreth.

The secretive, closed off capital of this kingdom is known to outsiders as Shadowheart. South Branch is the only Deepshadow port open to foreign traders, and Thistletop serves a similar function for land trade along the Sterling Road.

Deepshadow is located along the southern coast of Terryth in the Midlands, between the Shemali River and the Raven River.
