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The Sindathi are a dark-haired and skinned Human culture native to the Andesian Plains. They were warlike horse-riding nomads who, under the leadership of their great leader, Arrigar I, conquered what would become the Sindathi Empire. They now rule a number of subjugated nations.


"Settled" or "city men" in Sindathi. This is a term both for the culture of the settled (as opposed to nomadic) Sindathi, as well as a term for city-dwellers in general. Most Sindathi are now settled and civilized, and their Empire has joined the ranks of the learned peoples of the world with some appreciation of arts, mathematics, engineering, culture, and music.


Some Sindathi maintain the ancient ways of nomadic plains life. These, known as fenbari (or "horse men"), are still held in high regard by other Sindathi and their free, primitive life is romanticized. Fenbari often serve as cavalry auxiliaries in the armies of the Empire and it is common for one of their number to serve as the Emperor's Master of Horse. This title brings with it no land, but income and influence as the supplier and breeder of the Emperor's mounts.